Top 10 Garden Jobs for January
1. Clear paths and steps
After the recent storms it’s important to clear away all debris from paths and steps. This prevents them from getting slippery and dangerous. A job that will certainly keep you warm on a cold and frosty morning!
2. Prune
And yes, we don't mean the type your granny has in her porridge! Many deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges can be pruned and tidied up now. Check them for any signs of damage or disease and prune out torn or damaged branches to prevent disease infection. For more detailed information on pruning, we recommend this guide from the RHS
3. Tidy the borders
Cut away old top growth on perennials and remove any fallen leaves from around your borders. It helps deter slugs and snails setting up home in your flowerbeds.
4. Support climbers
Check all the ties and supports on climbing plants and wall shrubs to protect from wind damage. If a trellis or fence is broken, repair it now before the next winter storm.
5. Pots and Containers
Tidy up plant pots and containers. Cut back and remove any debris and inspect the pots for damage. Protect tender plants from spells of frost with straw or fleece, and wrap terracotta pots with fleece or bubble wrap to prevent them cracking.
6. Storage
If you are storing tubers of plants such as Dahlia or Canna, inspect them now for signs of dampness, rot or drying out. This is also a good time to clean the shed or greenhouse and prepare for sowing.
7. Deadhead
Remove dead flowers from winter bedding plants such as pansies, violas, polyanthus etc to prolong flowering. Check pansies for signs of mildew or black spot. Remove any infected leaves and destroy badly affected plants.
8. Weed
Yes even in January you have to keep on top of those pesky weeds. There are a few weeds that will germinate and grow really fast during a mild spell between frosts. Use a hoe or rake to tackle them as they appear.
9. Feed the birds
Top up your seed feeders and water for hungry birds. Birds can be your best friends in the garden especially in the spring when feeding their young. They eat thousands of insects. Including spiders!
10. Plan ahead
Put your feet up and plan your gardening year. Browse catalogues for summer-flowering bulbs, bedding plants and perennials. Stock up on your garden essentials like ties, string and stakes for use when the garden wakes up!